Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bigot Avatar - Arundhati Roy?

Bigot Avatar - Arundhati Roy?

It may not be very chivalrous of me to lambaste a woman for speaking her mind. But the Booker prize winner has made gauche statements to the people of India. Despite trying hard to overlook , it forces the average Indian like me to respond.Seperatist Arundhati Roy and Comrade Geelani have questioned the territorial integrity of India? As the spineless government in Delhi has no nads to act on sedition, lest Arundhati forget: civil society is not behind her.

As India, inevitably protects its borders from irritant neighbours, Arundhaty Roy calls it "Militarization of Democracy".Does she realize what a phoney she looks by infuriating the people.She condones the 26/11 attacks to say; it has to be seen in context with 'partition of India' and the poverty in the subcontinent. Yellow eyed maybe, she does not see Maoist attacks as violence, but the defence of the state as ruthless.And then she is a "social activist",beware.She is painting her views on the coterie of activists( men with khaki kurtas and women draped in gothic saris and big bindis).But the jocular facet is,her contentions are both laughable and galling and therefore, she cannot hide beneath the sheep's skin.

Did Arundhati Roy forget the Kashmiri Pandit exodus in late 80's, lakhs of them forced to leave the valley because of extremism and intolerance.Geelani(emmisary of Pakistan) and Roy have not stood for minorities in the valley,Was Roy sapient enough to see a Kashmir with ONLY SECULAR rule under India, will bring egality to minorities? Did she forget the slaughter of Sikhs by Lashkar? Is she not perspicacious enough to fathom ,that security forces cannot leave Kashmir to the wolves waiting across the border? Was she, the blindfolded Ghandhari to forget that India strives to help minorities, has announced economic packages for Kashmir, provided opportunity to every Kashmiri to compete and participate in building a future within India. Let us remind Arundhati Roy that an Indian outside Kashmir cannot buy land in Kashmir, but vice versa is not prohibited.What kind of justice is this to the average Indian? She may not realize that, when mobs attack our security forces, they shall rightfully fire in self defence.

Freedom of speech gives the latitude to criticize the government, the policies, the state for malfunctioning. But Arundhati Roy is a criminal to incite sedition and she deserves her term in prison and should be muzzled for life in India. She has blatantly, flagrantly misused her freedom of speech to hurt the sentiments and the patriotic mindscape of India.She could live and work in China though and question Tibet's occupation.

Kashmir is and will be a part of India.Only India,gives a fair deal to Buddhists in Leh,to Sikhs and Hindus in Jammu. As for History, Its not a Muslim copyrighted land. It has strong Hindu roots and innumerable ancient Hindu texts quote Kashmir.With that logic ,even Pakistan cannot be only for Muslims. SECULAR INDIA is a fair deal to all religions and to the people of Kashmir who are inextricably a part of India. So Roy, we know you are an apostate to the nation,to the people of India and you are the definition of the word "BIGOT".

The timing could not be more appropriate for a maxim from Panchatantra (India ancient fables) to people who speak without forethought.

अदेशकालज्ञमनायतिक्षमं यदप्रियं लाघवकारि चात्मनः ।
योऽत्राब्रवीत्कारणवर्जितं वचो न तद्वचः स्याद्विषमेव तद्वचः ॥

- पञ्चतंत्र, काकोलूकीय

If one speaks without knowledge of place, or time, or without fore thought, or discomforting others, or diminishing oneメs own weight, or without any reason, such a speech will be as dangerous as poison.

- Panchatantra, Kakolukiya

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Art speaks to the passion and to the intellect

Art is any work of creativity by an artist,which is beautiful.Passion is the eagerness of person has to accomplish a task.The task can be cracking an exam,winning in the soccer match at high school or even keeping one's room clean & tidy.Without passion even the easiest task becomes an ordeal.Intellect is the capacity for rational thought and inference.The artist must have the innate passion and the intellect to create a work of Art,which stands out as a masterpiece.Hence,I believe that Art,indeed speaks to the passion and to the intellect.

I will try to elucidate my view by borrowing some terms from Ancient Indian Philosophy like Icha(desire,passion), Gnana(intellect), Kriya(execution).For any work of Art,the Artist must have had the desire,the passion to give expression to the Art form.His enthusiasm would have made him passionately look for solutions to depict the Art form.This is the power of passion or "Icha Shakti".The Art form would then evolve from an inchoate stage of a poser,to its completion.In process,the artist would toil hard with his intellect to find answers to the poser.He would use his intellect to create the work of Art in his mind and excute it in a physical medium.This is where the Power of Intellect(Gnana Shakti) and the power of execution(continuance of intellect) come into play.

Let's assume that an artist wants to create a painting that potrays the Israeli palestinian conflict.The artist must have the intellect to choose this topic before starting to paint this source of inspiration.The Artist must be passionate for trying to capture, such a profound theme in a canvas.His passion might have had roots from his personal experiences.He might have decided to give an expression to this embryonic idea,after seeing a palestinian teenager,taking a risky step in attacking an Israeli patrol.This live scene ,the artist witnessed would have evoked the passion,to bring the suffering of the people of Palestine and Israel to the world by his canvas.The artist would use his intellect to vividly bring his experience to the people by sketching his work.

A live example of works of Art, that have been acclaimed world over for their creativity,are the plays of poet Kalidasa in Sanskrit.Kalidasa wrote the play 'Raghuvamsha' which describes the lineage of Lord Rama(A hindu God).Kalidasa's passion could have been his pure devotion to Lord Ram.This would have made him embark on a project that describes the Ancestors of Ram in a play.Kalidasa might have used his intellect to discern the qualities of Lord Ram and tried to bring those qualities in his ancestors as well,resulting in a work of Art proclaimed to be one of the most beautiful compositions in Sanskrit literature.

Another example is from hollywood.Film maker Mira Nair lost her mother before she started on the film 'Namesake'.The intense grief of losing a family member,especially mother would have been very difficult to bear.Yet the grief here has evoked the passion. Directer Mira nair has recounted her personal experiences that made her direct this film.She has used intellectual insight to capture the bereaved expat-Indian mindscape,It's struggle to adjust and cope in an occidental society. Such works of Art not only are the result of passion and intellect from the creator,but also pulsate with intellect of the audience and bring out the passion in them.

Both passion and intellect thus serve as the parent,for Art.Both of them are thus indispensable for an artist.An artist would not try to downplay or sudbue the influence of any of these two facets to enable his creation.No wonder,Art art speaks to the passion and to the intellect.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

India’s CASTE System : CASTIGATED and Misconstrued

  • I would like to begin this entry by quoting one of the primordial scriptures our religion –

    One must not treat any body badly even when they are physically handicapped, uneducated, the aged, ugly, poor people, people of lower castes. One must treat everyone as equal.
    - Manu Smriti

    I reckon,that writing about India’s Caste System requires a profound understanding of our ethosand tenets,of which I am no savant.Nevertheless,I shall make an honest attempt.First,I would like to dispel some myths about our caste system.

    I see claims like “caste, the complex social order which assigned people a place in the social hierarchy based on their occupation”

    I differ and vouch to come back with dictum's in our scriptures that unequivocally evince that:-

    The Caste System is based on OCCUPATION and BIRTH.If a Brahmin begin’s to rule a kingdom ,he becomes a Brahmana Kshatriya.If he becomes to get into trade and business,he becomes a Brahmana Vaishya and so on.

    With the caste census being talked about many people think "Will caste ever wither away - with or without a caste census - from India's social landscape?”

    ..They also believe that the Caste System is at Fault and therefore, Culpability rests on it ,rather than the people itself,Caste system is obsolete and detrimental to our society.

    I seek to offer the stand of our religion on this system.

    I would like to ratiocinate the legitimacy of caste system in India. The West and now, our own Media andreformists,leaders and some people fromthe fourth varna or caste(I do not wish to call it lower caste) have accused our Caste system of being bigoted, discriminatory and evil. Let’sforget the politics for a moment and try to understand the Caste system in its own merit.

    1.Rebirth and Caste : Fate and Free will
    Why is it so,that a toddler born in a rich family, enjoys a comfortable life from the beginning and one in a poor family endures the plight of destitution? Why can’t God decide every one to be equal? Why can’t God ensure that life on this planet begins with equality OR égalité? Why is a soul born as an elephant calf or a spider on this planet than a human? Why does a person ,despite being hardworking and honest,does not necessarily become as successful as desired? Why is a person more lucky and successful than the other? What is Fate and what is Free-Will? Should a person work hard to succeed or should he rely on Fate?

    The answer lies in Karma.I would like to cite from a someone very
    reveredin the book : ‘Dialogues with the Guru’

    [ http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/2277818 ] ,
    excerpts from which are used in quotes to justify the Caste System

    “As a follower of our Sanatana Dharma, you must know that fate is nothing extraneous to yourself, but only the sum total of the results of your past actions.As God is but the dispenser of the fruits of actions, fate, representing those fruits, is not his creation but only yours. Free-will is what you exercise when you act now.

    “Fate is past karma; free-will is present karma. Both are really one, that is, karma, though they may differ in the matter of time. There can be no conflict when they are really one.”

    Hence understood, a person wins his/her caste by his actions in previous births.

    If a person believes in our RELIGION,he believes in REBIRTH. As our religion says that a soul/atmanis born again and again as it assumes a body in each birth,till escapes the cycle of births and deaths to attain salvation by its ‘Karma’.

    A person being born in Brahmin Caste has more responsibilities.He should strive to live up to his duties and set an example to others in the society.He should respect all every individual irrespective of their caste(see the shloka – verse in the beginning).

    2. Samanya Dharma (common laws) and Vishesha Dharma (special laws).

    In an Organization there are rules of conduct and directions of ‘Ethics and Fairplay’ that apply to all employees.There are special duties and higher responsibilities assigned to the higher management and a seperate set of duties for employees in the lower title based on ‘Competency level’.Does it mean if a CEO or an Employee flouts the rules and misuses his position of power,the whole system is guilty? Fact is, that the good and bad breed are seen everywhere.

    Quoting the book again:-

    “Our system and,In fact any system which aims at the regulation of conduct must be based on the principle of ‘adhikara’ or competency.Those who belong to the castes are competent to pursue the Vishesha Dharma;the others are competent to pursue only Samanya Dharma.Further the nature of the competency required can be learnt only from the Sastras which prescribe the Dharma.”

    Brahmin by Birth and Action,say before 1000 years : Brahmins generally had“The feeling of rest and peace,contentment and happiness,was normal,natural and healthy and therefore lasting.””Such a feeling is born and ingrained in a Bramhana especially,and if he neglects it and seeks happiness in the outside world,he is seriously impairing his chances of getting it again in the next birth”

    Hence whatever be our caste, we should adhere to the rules of conduct that are common or special to our caste.I agree that some Brahmins have done their share of injustice in the society and there have been rotten apples in the barn.Similarly ,some of the Kshatriyas or the Kings, by their misrule and disunity have looted the wealth of the people,surrendered to the Colonial Raj to hold their royalty.

    By straying away from their ordained path,they have in a way nurtured discontent and in a way, channed the anger towards the Upper Caste and the Caste System as a whole.The results that followed are not surprising.

    Brahmins have been ostracized by the Dravidian movement in the South –
    [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Brahminism ] .If born a Brahmin in TamilNadu,a boy cannot dream of getting into a good medical college despite 95% percentile due to rampant reservation.Same is true in Govt Engineering colleges.

    I fully support reservation in terms of economic incentives for the backward class ,but admissions to any higher educational institution should be based on PURE MERIT and not CASTE.So,in a way reverse discrimination seems to be the theme used by politicians to divide our society.

    Demonizing one caste or to bash our Caste system without the knowldge of what is actually says,by just being carried away by foreign /local media or the views of the socio-political landscape is not fair.

    THE SOLUTION : Caste System in the Contemporary Era:
    Emancipation of the people of the fourth varna(caste) is essential.We should strive for getting modern education to our deprived fourth varna.

    The political parties in our country have mastered the art of insular politics to foment hate among castes and pile up votes.They don’t want unity between 4 varnas.They seek to divide us by virtue of our caste and the fourth varna being the majority and economically backward, makes it an ideal selling cake for pliant vote-bank.

    Sanskrit – the Elixir ?
    Government has a responsibility for the spiritual well being of its people.To the very least,it should reign supreme to counter the massive smear propaganda against our religion,which runs amok without the knowledge of our scriptures.

    Why so much dissonance on this issue? Its simply lack of understanding, which can be addressed by introducing Sanskrit in our Schools and mandatory for Hindu children.Sanskrit ,when promoted as a lingua franca will address the issue of obliviousness to our scriptures.It will not create unrest in South as dravidian languages retain more Sanskrit words and as for Tamil language,It jells so well with Sanskritas akin to mixing Milk and Honey.Even Germany gives more importance to Sanskrit than we do.

    How can we forget the language that defines our culture and lifestyle ? Should we not be ashamed for pushing this beautiful language to oblivion and adopting a foreign language to overshadow it for the fear of being called not secular? India needs English and regional languages, but it also needs Sanskrit if it wants an identity.

    Knowledge of Sanskrit will be our vent into our scriptures,it would stand up toagainst the calumnies on our religion and the caste system.It will ensure we preserve the ancient wisdom of India,its ethos in our daily lives.It would on top of all,unify us as the ‘People of India’.Than focusing on the political harvest from the caste based census..

    -Governmentshould promote unity and respect among the Caste’s and the sense of Pride in a united India, than carry notion to destroy the Caste system,which we know it cannot.
    -Government should realize,that however powerful it may be ,it should not seek to meddle into the primordial Caste System.It should instead focus on its sole purpose – Development.
    -The Supreme Court should ban any political party that has an ideology or a record of hate towards one particular caste.
    -The Government should respect the views of our religion andCaste system implied by reason or at least keep quiet on the Caste System and our religion by treating it sacrosanct ,than holding it accountable for our fallacies,it should hold itself and the people who have erred,responsible for poor development and corruption .

    Middle class Renaissance
    The middle class have led revolution in France,Russia or any other society.The middle class has the onus to divest its apathy towards the politics of this country.The middle class should manifest itself as a formidable votebank that is not lured by Caste abasement or any kind of parochialism ,but by competence,development and performance. By helping our fourth caste stand up in the Knowledge economy,we can ensure their wellbeing and also make India operate at the frontiers of science and technology ,yet happily holding on to our roots.And this is only possible if the middle class knows about our scriptures,it knows Sanskrit,it can see Perspectives on both sides of the aisle and decide for itself.

    I would end by the words 2 great tamil poets (fromsecond century C.Eand the past millennium) from whom we as Indians should realize - ‘Knowledge’ and ‘Unity of this country’ are inextricably linked.

    Subramaniya Bharati –

    "Ayiram undhu igne Jathi,Yenil Anniyar vandhu pughalenna Nidhi"
    - We may have thousand of sects; that, however, does not justify a foreign invasion.

    Avvaiyar (The Granny Poet of the Tamil heartland) –

    "Katrathu Kai Mann Alavu, Kallathathu Ulagalavu"

  • Avvaiyar (The Granny Poet of the Tamil heartland) –

    "Katrathu Kai Mann Alavu, Kallathathu Ulagalavu"
    - What we have learnt is mere handful.The unlearnt and the unconquered is as big as the world.
    And thus we would begin to fathom that our religion is indeed ‘Sanathana’ or Eternal.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A 1000 years of Wonder

There is a well known Jinx, floating around about the Periya Kovil(Big Temple) of Thanjavur.People have muttered that, the fate of any prominent political figure,who visited or saw the Gopuram of this temple ,did not end well.Some have tried to cite how Indira and Rajiv Gandhi have visited Thanjavur.It is even said that, a former Chief minister's cavalcade passed in front of the temple only after its Gopuram was covered with thatches.

Well, 'Brihad' means Big in Sanskrit.Brihadeshwara thereby as the 'Bigger Lord'.

Today, I wish to talk about something, for which I am grossly inept.How can somebody be adroit in describing the Marvel that has stood for a 1000 years(1010-2010 AD).Which has seen an, emperor, a Tamil maven, who built this Temple. The symbol of His devotion has stood timeless.

The engineering splendor of this temple is discernible by just,its Gopuram as the Shadow is not cast on the ground.The mammoth stone on the top, is a single piece of rock.Reasearches now concede that, a 5 degree man made slope was built to take the stone up the acclivity,many kilometers and slide down, so that elephants could drag the stone at its place.Then comes the BigNandi,the Linga, possibly the biggest in India.Aptly Brihad!!.I still remember the day I got placed,I went to this temple and looked agape at the lord who seemed bemused with my little offer letter.

The Hub :
At the epoch of the Chola empire,this temple represented the lord and the grandeur of the people,who would toil hard on the riverbanks of the Cauvery.Craftsmen would quarry hard granite stone,by first inserting small holes into the rock and leave it wet to be broken after days.The harvest in the kingdom would be so large ,that pachyderms would be used as thresher mammals.Ships near the Thanjai dockyard would stockup spices to be shipped to sumatra and Java with some being downloaded with Eelam (todays Srilanka) chillies.Shilpadhari's would fastidiously use gold and copper to mold statutes with grace.The method of using mud daubing to create such art used even today.People,at dusk would gather at the temple to see the devadasis dance to the lord on a pradosha.A socio-cultural and religious Hub indeed!!.

BrihanNayaki(Goddess who controls the Large) at the sanctum sanctorum ,would be a place for myriad alankaras and Brahmin's would hum the Saundarya Laheri.

The rise and fall of a nation is manifest.Raja Raja Chola and his empire did not last forever,but the temple has witnessed monumental changes to the subcontinent.It has stood unperturbed with the islamic invasion,endured the Raj and now ,a self abashing Dravidian movement.Maybe because the Big Lord seldom needs to look at such extraneous aberrations.

The temple still has a engraved names of the workers in Tamil and people involved at the temple during its construction.Even the devadasis and their addresses in their time were engraved as suggested on the ornate outer walls with beautiful gargoyles on top.Unlike the Taj mahal ,where it is alleged that workers were awarded with abscission of hands for their dexterity,the names on the Chola Big temple seem to be preserved in sempiternity for their devotion.

To the Jinx now.No one knows the level of reverence of the Gandhis and to the proponents of the Jinxed theory,when considered jinxed,every event seems to be misrelated and when kowtowed with deference,serenity follows.The fault therefore,cannot be attributed to the Lord or his abode at all.The day,when the Tamil people realize the importance of these temples and hold them with the same reverence as their ancestor's , will they begin to see the beauty of Tamil as a form of Murugan and learn to cherish and foster what is truly an elixir in today's world with only pecuniary ends.

Panorama - Take a tour:

For a 360 degree panoramic view of this magnificent temple please visit here.You may or may not get a chance to travel here,but a virtual tour at different spots inside the temple,seems a good option if you are seated abroad.

Learn more and do donate to this temple if possible - Wikipedia has good info if not whole : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brihadeeswarar_temple

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Greater India

Though the primary objective of this blog is to bring the beauty,color and flavor of India to its readers,there will be no shying away from themes that concern India today.There will be no faltering to touch upon controversial and uncomfortable topics.

As a citizen of India,does it not obligate us to be opinionative of the governance,politics,socio-economic issues that this country tackles or tries to circumvent.Today I wanted to share some thoughts on one of the most controversial topics debated in India : The rationale for 'Partition of India' and the 'Kashmir Conflict'.

Before my views,lets get the connotation from Mythology, on India right:

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।
"The country (varam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is calledBhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

and thus even the Pakistani of today resides in the 'Greater India' .. and do have a look at the EPIC map : - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:EpicIndia.jpg

.. And 'Greater India' will be the essence of this blog!!

I hope at least now,the claim on Kashmir from Pakistan would be rightfully absurd and obsolete and yet if,there is dissonance,please read on..

Part 1
Partition of India : A Galactic Mistake in the annals of History

The Premise:

The reasons for dividing India was just one,a country for the muslims of the subcontinent was necessary for equality and justice when India becomes free. The British wanted two nations as publicly evinced ,that they will save some religions disturbance and rioting if separate nations were created.As if they would really care, partition did create one of the worst religious riots ever seen and I am sure not one British soldier or General wanted to control the situation.

I believe there was a more sinister reason for insisting on partition.The British wanted to deface the image of the egalitarian non violent freedom movement in India.They plotted to delay independence of the crown jewel of the empire by tying up the issue with partition .It would have certainly concurred at the helm of the colonial administration that the topic would generate enough imbroglio to dally the issue.

I believe the whole premise behind partition , that a land for one religious cult is flawed.Let's assume that one cult rationale to be valid,the diversity of India will no longer the reason to bring home the bacon.Is there a single plaudit that the break away nation has earned in the last sixty years?

The Present:

Satire can be vivdly drawn from the fact that it has created a professional satanic intelligence service,army that hold the state to ransom and has a facade of democracy as veil .It has managed to be labeled as the 'international migraine'.It has succeeded in fermenting hate and laments against India and mastered the art of counterfeit Indian currency.Above all it seems to flaunt the identity of being a global hub of terror.It blackmails stakeholders in return for cooperation in terror fight against aid, has exacerbated the Afghan conflict by poking a noxious anti-India strategic angle to the problem.

The Future:

From the Baloch unrest to the holocaust of Bengali citizens in the bereaved East Pakistan, the break away state has shown no respect for its people.The Pakistani ambassador to Bangladesh said "Let Bygones be Bygones" wanting to bury the Bengali holocaust in 1971 war chronicles.Such a blemished history with cycles of coups and political upheavals sets stage for the break up.A monumental time when Balochistan gains independence from a state that discriminates on resources and rights to governance.A time when the so called 'Azad Kashmir' realizes that 'azad' is a misnomer for a future of a career in terror camps than one with opportunity and hope in the Indian Union.

The 'Idea of India' is unity despite diversity of religion and culture and the solemn commitment to the secular values we cherish, a society where parochial tendencies are loathed.As India poises before its role in the brighter side of history,the idea of Unified India as the utopian paradise for humanity seems ever more palpable.

Sunday, February 14, 2010



Since its inception in the mid nineties, the term blog seemed good for poseurs,but I dare say now that such a notion not true any more as I have created one.

I have started this blog to evince the love I share for India.India is not just a country, its a subcontinent.From the Silk route in the snow clad Himalayas to the sea shores ofTirucendur,India bamboozles the speculative traveler. Perhaps no word captures the enigma,that is India.

Home to more than a billion people , India unites in its diversity.It has never invaded in its 3000 year history and has sustained and thrived with the oldest religion on the planet.Our roots have begun in this country, a country rich in history, culture, spirituality, sights, architechture, not to mention being the world's oldest democracy(I did not say the largest yet,because few would reckon the rootages of democracy lie in one of the most told epics in India) , a country which brought forth number zero, the game of chess and a myriad of other accomplishments.

When you first set foot into this country, you can actually 'smell' it. India has a distinct fragrance--whether it be of camphor, incense, spices,turmeric,smoke,cows, people, food, cars,grease and anything you imagine. You are immersed into the country from the very first step you take outside the airplane.

But nothing could be more real than this lovely anecdote below that seems to capture the essence of India

Jack Lush
Seattle, WA
2009-01-06 01:49:31

In 1984 I was fourteen and lived in the village of Chikhale, Maharastra.

It was December; a planned pilgrimage to Goa had to be cancelled so we went east into Maharastra. I didn't know where we were going and I still don't know where we went. After hours on a bus into an arid dusty landscape we came to a large rock hill. I vaguely recall being told this hill was a sacred place and many came from all around to climb and pray. There were stairs embedded in the rock and it was a long climb to the top. About half way up I noticed a man sitting in a crevasse, there were monkeys all around him and yet he did not move. He sat cross-legged, long white hair draped to his knees, he only wore a white tunic and he never moved. The monkeys walked on him, around him, nested near him and sat with him yet he did not move. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I stood there transfixed by his locked serenity. He became part of the rock, the hill, the cloudless sky and watchful monkeys.

Now the image of the Hindu ascetic from years ago, in place I may never find, calms me at times, and will forever be my picture of India."

I hope this blog bring to you the culture, traditions, mannerism, friendliness,humility and the profound humanity,this fascinating country encapsulates.Discover the India in you,because being born in India is not the only reason to fall for this land,as the aroha of India belongs to the world.Open thyself to it and India welcomes you with open arms with this Debut