Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Greater India

Though the primary objective of this blog is to bring the beauty,color and flavor of India to its readers,there will be no shying away from themes that concern India today.There will be no faltering to touch upon controversial and uncomfortable topics.

As a citizen of India,does it not obligate us to be opinionative of the governance,politics,socio-economic issues that this country tackles or tries to circumvent.Today I wanted to share some thoughts on one of the most controversial topics debated in India : The rationale for 'Partition of India' and the 'Kashmir Conflict'.

Before my views,lets get the connotation from Mythology, on India right:

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।
"The country (varam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is calledBhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."

and thus even the Pakistani of today resides in the 'Greater India' .. and do have a look at the EPIC map : -

.. And 'Greater India' will be the essence of this blog!!

I hope at least now,the claim on Kashmir from Pakistan would be rightfully absurd and obsolete and yet if,there is dissonance,please read on..

Part 1
Partition of India : A Galactic Mistake in the annals of History

The Premise:

The reasons for dividing India was just one,a country for the muslims of the subcontinent was necessary for equality and justice when India becomes free. The British wanted two nations as publicly evinced ,that they will save some religions disturbance and rioting if separate nations were created.As if they would really care, partition did create one of the worst religious riots ever seen and I am sure not one British soldier or General wanted to control the situation.

I believe there was a more sinister reason for insisting on partition.The British wanted to deface the image of the egalitarian non violent freedom movement in India.They plotted to delay independence of the crown jewel of the empire by tying up the issue with partition .It would have certainly concurred at the helm of the colonial administration that the topic would generate enough imbroglio to dally the issue.

I believe the whole premise behind partition , that a land for one religious cult is flawed.Let's assume that one cult rationale to be valid,the diversity of India will no longer the reason to bring home the bacon.Is there a single plaudit that the break away nation has earned in the last sixty years?

The Present:

Satire can be vivdly drawn from the fact that it has created a professional satanic intelligence service,army that hold the state to ransom and has a facade of democracy as veil .It has managed to be labeled as the 'international migraine'.It has succeeded in fermenting hate and laments against India and mastered the art of counterfeit Indian currency.Above all it seems to flaunt the identity of being a global hub of terror.It blackmails stakeholders in return for cooperation in terror fight against aid, has exacerbated the Afghan conflict by poking a noxious anti-India strategic angle to the problem.

The Future:

From the Baloch unrest to the holocaust of Bengali citizens in the bereaved East Pakistan, the break away state has shown no respect for its people.The Pakistani ambassador to Bangladesh said "Let Bygones be Bygones" wanting to bury the Bengali holocaust in 1971 war chronicles.Such a blemished history with cycles of coups and political upheavals sets stage for the break up.A monumental time when Balochistan gains independence from a state that discriminates on resources and rights to governance.A time when the so called 'Azad Kashmir' realizes that 'azad' is a misnomer for a future of a career in terror camps than one with opportunity and hope in the Indian Union.

The 'Idea of India' is unity despite diversity of religion and culture and the solemn commitment to the secular values we cherish, a society where parochial tendencies are loathed.As India poises before its role in the brighter side of history,the idea of Unified India as the utopian paradise for humanity seems ever more palpable.

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